
Dear Prospective Student:

Thank you for showing an interest in Christian Life International Bible College. We are committed to each student as they pursue a substantial study of God's Word.

In the Day in which we live, when a man or woman responds to the heart of the Father and the call of God, it is so necessary that they give themselves to a deep, Spirit-directed and applied study of the Bible. It was the Apostle Paul who exhorted his "son in the Lord" Timothy to "study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that does not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the Word of Truth."

Many are aware that we live in the time of the greatest harvest the world has ever seen. However, many do not realize that this harvest will need to be discipled, developed, and then released into ministry. Through the practical application of Bible study, coupled with the molding and power of the Holy Spirit, we are confident that this program will be very profitable to yourself, and your ministry.

Should you choose to attend Christian Life International, our office will make every effort to provide the materials and support you might need.

If we can serve you, or if any questions arise regarding the application process, please feel free to contact our field office.


Christian Life International Bible College recognizes the need for practical experience in Christian ministry. Degree requirements include a fieldwork assignment that is designed to help challenge the students' talents and abilities. Regular discussion and supervised instruction are required, as well as a written term report on the area of activity involved.

Internship is an extension of the fieldwork experience for all students. This involves an assignment during the last year of schooling to a cooperating church in the area. Regular discussion with a staff member and supervised instruction help to make this program rich in growth and experience. Written reports are required on the area of activity involved.

A. Students will be instructed through classroom lectures and textbooks. As a result, classroom attendance is of utmost importance. In each class, the instructor will be responsible to give appropriate lectures on the subject to augment the textbook materials. Appropriate tests are given to measure the student's mastery of the material presented.

B. The student will be responsible to attend lectures, take appropriate notes, complete all assignments, and achieve an appropriate grade on examinations.

C. Prayer is held prior to the beginning of classes 3 days per week.

D. A weekly Chapel is held on the 4th day.

E. Chapel and prayer service grades are given on a pass/fail basis dependent upon attendance.

F. Pastoral Theology seminars are given over various subjects. Brief tests are given afterwards over the material covered for grade determination. Grades are given on a pass/fail basis.

H. Each semester, students in Fieldwork must produce a written report of their field involvement for the semester.

I. Student Interns are required to complete an Intern report covering the structure, organization, and function of the local church. This is due at the end of each student's second year.

The following policies have been established as a means by which the Administration may evaluate the student's progress towards his declared goals. These policies apply to classes, seminars, prayer/chapel and church attendance.

1. Church Attendance
Attendance at Christian Life Church each week is considered part of the required training for all students except when they are on a Sunday fieldwork assignment, or are members of a church in the area.

2. Class Absence
A student may not exceed the number of allowed absences as follows: 2-hour classes, which meet 2 days each week, are allowed 4 total absences

a. Sickness and emergency absences may be excused at the discretion of the course instructor or school Administrator. As well, special consideration will be given in extenuating circumstances.

b. Students who exceed the permitted number of absences will be automatically placed on Academic Probation. Permission for reinstatement in subsequent semesters must be given by the Administration. A second probation in consecutive semesters for the same or similar reasons will require an interview with the Administrator and a possible move to audit status considered with the loss of credit for the course.

c. Records will be kept of the attendance of all students in classes, prayer/chapel, and seminars. These become a part of the permanent records kept for each student.

d. In each case of absence, students must file an Absentee Report with the registrar's office within one week of their return to class.

3. Class Tardiness
a. Students entering class up to ten (:10) minutes after class is scheduled to start will be considered tardy. Ten (:10) minutes into the class, they will be considered absent.

b. Three (3) tardies will be counted as one (1) absence.

c. It is the responsibility of the student who is tardy to go to the office after class to make sure he was marked tardy rather than absent.

d. Tardiness for Prayer Chapel will include the period from 7:45 a.m. to 7:50 a.m. Roll is taken at the door, and each student is responsible to check in with the prayer/chapel monitor.

4. Incomplete Work
a. Coursework: At the discretion and consent of the instructor, a student may receive an incomplete grade for a course. The student will then be allowed 30 days following the completion of the course (i.e., 30 days from the posted final day of the semester) to complete the course work.

It will be the responsibility of the student to complete all course work within the 30-day period; no attempt will be initiated by the Administration or the Instructor to resolve the incomplete.

An incomplete grade (I) in any course will be changed to a failing grade (F) if the work is not fulfilled within 30 days following termination of the course.

b. Field Ministry and Observation Reports: These reports must be completed by the Friday before finals week. No incompletes will be given. Failure to meet this schedule will result in a failing grade (F), and the loss of credit for this requirement for that semester.

c. Graduation: Students with an incomplete in any course will have their degree withheld until all requirements are fulfilled.

See also Scholastic Regulations
Applications for Students
Offices & Campuses
Fees & Expenses